
Does ASGA Lobby on National Issues?

Make Positive Changes

No. ASGA’s role is to train Student Governments to become more effective and influential at their own institutions, with their own constituents, and with their own administrators.

ASGA’s Position on Lobbying

ASGA encourages members to focus their limited time, resources, and energy on enhancing their local Student Government organizations. ASGA wants SGs to improve their voter turnout, recruit more candidates, and focus on “winnable” issues to build their credibility and reputation.

When SGs become more effective on their own campuses, they will be far more influential when they choose to champion broader issues and causes statewide, regionally, and/or nationally.

Nationwide Lobbying

Search for dozens of national and regional groups that lobby on everything from financial aid to environmental issues.

Statewide Lobbying MapStatewide Lobbying

Search ASGA’s database of every Statewide Student Association (SSA).

ASGA also stores hundreds of SSA documents.

Lobbying Resources

For more information, call toll-free 1-877 ASK ASGA (1-877-275-2742) or write info@asgaonline.com.